Wethersfield / Rocky Hill, CT Street Map
The most accurate Wethersfield / Rocky Hill town map available online.

Wethersfield, founded in 1633–34, has its niche in history, being "Ye Most Auncient Towne" in Connecticut, as set out by the Code of 1650 — "Colonial Records of Connecticut." Here in May 1781, at the Webb House on Main Street, Washington and Rochambeau planned the battle of Yorktown, which culminated in the independence of the then rebellious colonies.
Over one hundred fifty of our old, beautiful and distinctive Colonial homes stand as a symbol of the rich heritage which has been Wethersfield's since the early days of its founding more than 350 years ago.
Visit town website: http://wethersfieldct.com

Rocky Hill
Welcome to the Town of Rocky Hill, Connecticut. Our Town is known as a wonderful location for families and businesses to grow. We have an outstanding educational system and through prudent management continue to maintain one of the lowest mill rates in the region (24.5 mills for 2011-2012). The Town has an active Parks and Recreation Program with programs to please all age groups and interests.
Rocky Hill’s vision of the future includes preservation of historic areas and maintenance of a comfortable mix of amenities and housing choices for all age groups. It is the Town’s intention to grow in such a fashion that we have a mix of both residential and commercial properties. This mix will support the growth needed to maintain the services the residents and businesses have come to expect while keeping the tax burden in check.
Our Town is well positioned to accommodate growth and community reinvestment without sacrificing our caring small community atmosphere.
Visit town website: http://www.rockyhillct.gov