Sandwich, MA Street Map
The most accurate Sandwich town map available online.

Sandwich is rich with history and working museums. This is the town that Glass built - don't miss live glass blowing demonstrations. The Sandwich Glass Museum houses original pieces created during the 1800's and provides demonstrations of glass blowing technique. The oldest house on the Cape, the Hoxie House, and the lush gardens and antique car museum at Heritage Museum & Gardens, are waiting to be enjoyed.
Shop in our village for something special for yourself or a friend at one of our many fine local, independent shops. Play a round of golf or enjoy a clambake.
Ride your bike along the Cape Cod Canal, the widest sea-level canal in the world, and enjoy the view. Go on a whale watch or fish for stripers in Cape Cod Bay.
Visit town website: http://www.sandwichchamber.com/