CT Motorcycle Touring Map, CT Street Map
The most accurate CT Motorcycle Touring Map town map available online.

Statewide CT Motorcycle Touring Map Advertising Opportunity
We print thousands of these maps and distribute them statewide to the advertisers, highway welcome centers, visitors' bureaus, and approximately 50 different charity motorcycle rides (with thousands of riders receiving the maps as favors). The maps are used by riders to plan out rides based on attractions, retail opportunities and motorcycle-specific services.
This is a lucrative target market to reach-according to the New York Times, the median income of Harley-Davidson riders is about $90,000. The map is great exposure for restaurants, inns/hotels, retail stores, and professionals.
Ad rates are as follows: 1/4 panel ad $ 250, 1/2 panel ad $450 and full panel ad $750.Please call or email ASAP if you're interested, as we need to print the maps in time for the motorcycle riding season, which informally kicks off Memorial Day.