Bridgewater, MA Street Map
The most accurate Bridgewater town map available online.

Bridgewater is a charming, residential, suburban community. Located approximately 25 miles south of Boston, the town is accessible by bus, commuter rail and highway at the junction of routes 24 and 495. Originally an industrial and agricultural center, the town of Bridgewater was chartered in 1656. Its historic character and unique landscaping are prominent throughout the community, particularly in the downtown central common area. Today Bridgewater is a growing community of approximately 27,000 and serves as home to Bridgewater State University. Founded in 1840, as one of the first normal schools in America, BSU is a premier public university of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Offering a diversity of activities, Bridgewater maintains a caring, friendly, small-town, community atmosphere.
Visit town website: http://www.townofbridgewater.net