New Britain, CT Street Map
The most accurate New Britain town map available online.

The City of New Britain has a diverse population, and a rich history. Tucked into our many neighborhoods are 1,200 acres of the best park system in the state, sporting complexes and a treasure-trove of cultural attractions waiting to be discovered.
Visitors can enjoy a hotdog while watching New Britain's Double-A baseball team, the Rock Cats, play a game at the friendly confines of the Willow Brook Park Sports Complex; play a round of golf at the newly redesigned, 27 hole, Stanley Golf Course; or simply take a quiet stroll through historic Walnut Hill Park and you will get a taste of the many different recreational activities New Britain has to offer.
Masterful works of art, eclectic culture, and fascinating history abound in the city at New Britain's Museum of American Art, Industrial Museum, Youth Museum, the New Britain Public Library, and the Hungerford Nature Center.
If performance arts is more your speed you can take in a play at one of New Britain's two theaters, the Hole in the Wall Theatre at 116 Main Street, and the New Britain Repertory Theatre on Norden Street. And if you love music you're in luck because the New Britain Symphony, Music Series at South Church, the Parks and Recreation Summer Music Program, and Connecticut Virtuosi provide a variety of musical entertainment at venues throughout the city.
The city also remains enriched with community volunteerism. The spirit and pride of our community activists is evident through religious groups, social clubs, and community organizations, all of which work diligently to promote positive interaction through ethnic festivals, craft shows, nationally attended auto shows, and other wonderful events.
Visit town website: http://www.newbritainct.gov